Steam eternal card game
Steam eternal card game

  • Gauntlet – Learn new tricks in the Gauntlet! Test your constructed deck against AI opponents and wild Boss Powers designed by the best professional TCG players in the world!.
  • Forge – Level up your game against the AI in Forge! Pick cards for your deck from sets of three, and see how far you can go!.
  • Campaign – Join the battle for the Eternal Throne in story-driven PVE campaigns that introduce new cards to the game!.

    Promo Quests – Each month introduces a new card that can be earned for free during special Promo Quests!.Sealed League – Crack 14 packs and build your way to victory in a month-long Sealed League!.Draft – Build a deck on the fly from 48 cards passed by other players, and keep what you Draft!.Casual – Pull off wacky combos in fun pick up games.

    steam eternal card game

  • Ranked – Grab your favorite constructed decks and battle for the top spot on month-long Leaderboards!.
  • Events – Frequent events introduce fun new twists and temporary rules!.
  • Tournaments – Test your mettle in competitive play with cash prizes!.
  • Play How You WantEternal has a variety of game modes to suit any player:
  • The only limits are your imagination – Eternal has no restrictions on which cards can be played together in your deck!.
  • Every card and every game mode in Eternal can be played for free, without ever paying a dime.
  • steam eternal card game

    We’re committed to giving players the cards they need and the creative freedom to build any deck you can imagine. Play What You WantEternal is the most truly, generously free-to-play digital card game you can find. …all wrapped up with exciting digital mechanics and the most generous game economy out there! Next-gen mobile-friendly digital design with quick, smooth and intuitive gameplay!.Rich, deep strategic gameplay and counterplay with fast-spells and tactical combat!.The Game Has ChangedSix-guns and sorcery collide in Eternal, the strategy card game of unlimited choices and unbelievable fun! Eternal offers the best of both worlds:

    Steam eternal card game